Ambition - Emilian Robert Vicol - Acrylic Paint_cr

Aspiration (Ambition) –  Canvas 60 x 100 cm – Abstract Acrylic Paint – Emilian Robert Vicol Theme: Life, Psychosociology Subject: Aspiration…

You - Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol

You –  Canvas 40×30 cm – Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol Theme: Life, Womans Subjects: Female, Womans, Portraits, Women in feminine roles, Strength of…

Expansion - Mihaela Vicol - Acrylic Paint

Expansion – Canvas 50×40 – Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol Theme: Society, Woman Condition Subject: Women Empowerment, Expectations from Women Women’s Status,…

The God of Time - Emilian Robert Vicol - Acrylic Paint
The God of Time

The God of Time – Canvas 100×70 cm – Acrylic Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol Themes: Genesis, Abstract Subject: Creation and Destruction,…

Metamorphosis - Miaela Vicol - Acrylic Paint

Metamorphosis – Cardboard 30×21 cm on Canvas 40×40 cm – Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol Theme: Life, Creation Category: Species evolution, Genetics Interspecies Hybridisation Philosophy…

Kiron Fish - Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol
Chiron Fish

Chiron Fish – 40×40 cm – Impasto Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol Theme: Mythology, Environment Subject: Metamorphic animal Earth Ecosystem and Environment Astrology Wolf-Fish Full…

Creation - Mihaela Vicol - Acrylic Paint

Creation – Canvas 40×40 – Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol Themes: Mythology, Creation, Duality, Woman Condition Subject: Cosmology Science Universe Expansion…

Soul Mate - Emilian Robert Vicol - Acrylic Paint
Soul Mate

Soul Mate – Abstract – Canvas 90×50 cm – Acrylic Paint – Emilian Robert Vicol Theme: Philosophy, Creation, Duality Subject: Universal Duality, Human Feeling,…

Between Order and Chaos - Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol
Between Order and Chaos

Between Order and Chaos – 50×45 cm – Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol Theme: Psychosociology, Woman Condition Subject: Human Ambition Female Beauty Order and…

The Complexity of Humanity - Emilian Robert Vicol - Acrylic Paint
Humans Complexity

Humans Complexity –  Abstract – Canvas 80×60 cm – Acrylic Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol Theme: Humanity Subject: Selfnish, Egoism, Eager,…

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