The Mind and The Illusion of Reality - Emilian Robert Vicol - Acrylic Paint
The Mind and The Illusion of Reality

The Mind and The Illusion of Reality – Canvas 80×70 cm – Acrylic Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol Themes: Abstract Metaphysical Solipsism Subject:…

The Experiment - Holocaust - Acrylic Paint - Emilian Robert Vicol
The Experiment – Holocaust

The Experiment – Holocaust – 3D textured wrinkled canvas 60×45 cm – Acrylic Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol Themes: Abstract Subject: History…

The Protector - Mihaela Vicol - Acrylic Paint
The Protector

The Protector – Canvas 60× 40cm – Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol Theme: Abstract Subject: Woman Creation Symbolism Mythology Chromatics: Black, Gold, Yellow, White *…

The Message - Earth's Disease - Acrylic Paint - Emilian Robert Vicol
Earth’s Disease – The Hidden Message

Earth’s Disease – The Hidden Message – Canvas 100×70 cm – Acrylic Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol Themes: Abstract Subject: Cryptology World Society…

Soul of Supernova Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol jpg

Viata si Iubire Moarte, Suferinta; Nastere , Traire Durere si Dorinta. Dragoste si Chin, Ura, Rau, Destin; Inceput dar, cu…

Soul of Supernova Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol jpg

Visez ca sunt nebun, Nebun in suflet si nu-n gand, Gandu-mi negru nu ti-l spun, Spunandu-ti gandu-mi vezi murind, Murind…

Soul of Supernova Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol jpg

Singur ma simt Si nu pot sa mint, Ca nu am pe cine In afara de mine, Ca sa-l vad…

Soul of Supernova Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol jpg

De e mica, de e mare Nu-i o simpla intrebare, Iar de-i calda sau e rece Ea din plama n-o…

Soul of Supernova Paint by Emilian Robert Vicol jpg
Eterna si infinta dragoste

Foton pentru o secunda tu de-ai fi Universu-ntro clipita l-ai privi, Adevaru’n absolut ai recunoaste Iubirea-i divinul ce se naste.…

The Sleep - Mihaela Vicol - Acrylic Paint
The Sleep

The Sleep –  Canvas 60× 50cm – Acrylic Paint by Mihaela Vicol Theme: Abstract Subject: Life Woman Night Moon Chromatics: Black, Gold, Yellow, White

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